An artist must observe like a scientist, but create with fantasy. He seeks the truth.This series shows his genius, but at the same time, it shows that he is a man. It explores his sexuality, which is historically true. 是自传但也有 fiction. It fills the gap in our knowledge about him with C, and the platonic relationship at the center.The ending moved me
影像太满有很多意象来不及捕获和思考Anais的硬侧光把自己涂成阿凡达的欢乐人垂直长长头发梳头的女人街头魔术艺人浓雾中的灯… June: you took us in just because you were bored. 是百无聊赖也不是Anais野性撩人冰墩墩超清图片是个人都能欣赏到的魅力满到溢出无处安放她感情充沛、精力旺盛到可以爱她、他、他爱得多不过是带宽高的无聊消遣正常得如同动物杂食 Anais: I wept because I would weep less. 她可以但不再想这么做了 情迷六月(June)花倒不如Harry & June & Anais & Hugo.